PROSHADE-tutkimuskonsortio ja Terveydenhuollon palveluvalikoimaneuvosto (PALKO) järjestivät 28. elokuuta 2024 Terveydenhuollon kynnysarvoa koskevan seminaarin Valtionvarainministeriössä. Seminaarin keynote-puheenvuorot pitivät Jessica Ochalek ja James Lomas Yorkin yliopistosta sekä Jonathan Siverskog Linköpingin yliopistosta. Tutkimusjohtaja Eila Kankaanpää esitteli puheenvuorossaan PROSHADE-hankkeen suunnitelmia estimoida kynnysarvo suomalaiseen terveydenhuoltojärjestelmään.

Threshold value and decision making in health care -seminaarissa esiintyneiden asiantuntijoiden esittelyt, ohjelman ja esitysdiat löytyvät tästä linkistä.


Seminar: Threshold value and decision making in health care



Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is routinely performed in health policy. Often, the conclusion is that the decision to implement the intervention depends on the decision maker’s willingness-to-pay for the incremental effectiveness. In some countries, the threshold value has been defined to represent the society’s willingness-to-pay. However, very different methods for determining cost-effectiveness threshold and very different values can be found. This seminar summarizes the estimation and use of threshold value internationally.

The seminar is organized by PROSHADE-consortium and the Council for Choices in Health Care in Finland (COHERE Finland) at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.


9.00 Coffee/tea available

10.00 Welcome

– Hanna-Mari Jauhonen, General Secretary, COHERE Finland

10.10 Introduction – what is the threshold value, why to discuss the use of the threshold value?

– Eila Kankaanpää, Research Director, University of Eastern Finland, PROSHADE-consortium

10.15 Glance at the threshold value and its application in decisionmaking internationally

– Jessica Ochalek, Research Fellow, Centre for Health Economics, University of York

11.15 Estimation of threshold value

– James Lomas, Lecturer, University of York, Department of Economics and Related Studies

12.15 Lunch

13.15 Opportunity cost in health care priority setting – empirical evidence from Sweden (Teams-connection)

– Jonathan Siverskog, Senior Lecturer, Linköping University

14.15 Coffee, tea, refreshments

14.45 Threshold value for Finland – plan to estimate the value

– Eila Kankaanpää

15.20-15.30 Concluding the discussion

– Eila Kankaanpää